Odyssey Aaron Ross Sig.
Lasted 25 days (About 3 weeks and a bit).
Once these grips were on, they felt pretty good. I don't mind a bit of a chunkier grip, and these were certainly that. Way bigger than my old Mutinys, in fatness and length. These grips have caused a bit of a fuss in the BMx world, and I can see why. First off, they throttled like no other grip I've run. I doubt it was the way I put them on, because all my other grips stay fine with the WD40 method. The little keys on the grips started ripping on my first ride with them, by the end of the 25 days I lost a couple keys, and they started developing into holes, which the throttling didn't help. They felt good for the first hour or so riding them, but that's it, everything else was very much a let down.
Comfort: 6/10
Durability: 3/10